We were at a birthday party for Netheniah today at Aiea Bowl. I haven't been there since the ownership changed and they renovated it.
It's much brighter and a little more contemporary now.
I understand the part-owners are two brothers who have some culinary background and they've upgraded the fare in the dining part of the operation.
The party was great fun although I chose not to do any bowling but the staff there worked hard to ensure that all had a good time.

Nate's a really good kid. This is him patiently waiting for the lanes to open up.
Aside from the obligatory pizza, soda and fries that you'd see at most 6 year-old birthdays they also served fried saimin, garlic chicken and garlic shrimp. The latter two were great, esp. the shrimp.
Happy Birthday Nate!

I love bowling but my body is falling apart and I can just see my arm falling off at the shoulder when I throw one! Yikes!